

I've been taking photos since I got my first camera as a teenager. I enjoy observing my surroundings and spotting details that, when highlighted by light, have a charming shape or texture. Many of my photos are close-ups of details that surround me. Photography is my hobby, but when needed, I use my experience to take product photos for a webstore or social media campaigns.

Bottles & others

During the pandemic, I took many photos to feature on an online store's website. MYDIS is not just hand sanitisers but also room disinfection devices, including disinfection portals for entering premises. Recently, I designed a disinfection portal for Champneys hotels in action. More about the MYDIS project here.


Collaborating with a hotel in Krakow, I was asked to photograph drinks during a training show. A black background and directional light helped bring out the icy mood of the drinks.

Tulips once again

I bought these tulips when they were barely open, their buds still a light green like their leaves. In the vase, they slowly gained a delicate pink colour until they eventually started to fade, turning white, which served as a backdrop for intensely yellow stamens inside. I captured this colour evolution in photos. More photos on Unsplash.